Nedan företag är våra kunder sedan många år tillbaka. Vi har ljusinsläpp som passar de flesta av deras profiler. Tryck på respektive logga så kommer deras profiler och ritningar på våra tillhörande ljusinsläpp fram. Halles artikelnummer står till höger om profilnamnet. Skulle det saknas en profil – hör av er så löser vi det!
Since the end of the 1960s, Halle System AB has manufactured and marketed borrowed light sections to industry halls, agricultural buildings, storage rooms, solar collectors, greenhouses and courtyards/carports. Halle Lux boards are manufactured with glass fibre reinforced polyester. Our products are sold under the brand name Halle Lux and today we can manufacture more than 300 different sections such as sine, trapezium and plane boards in different sizes.
Four different factors are important – surface quality, polyester quality, reinforcement and section type.
Surface quality – gives the boards properties of light transmission, colour change, aesthetics especially in the long run, as poor quality in the long run results in poorer customer satisfaction. We have a Melinex foil 301 that gives the boards a strong UV protection and a smooth surface.
Polyester quality – determines the properties of the final product with respect to fire, durability and temperature. We have a fire-resistant polyester as standard. We also provide coloured boards in any colour and polyester with characteristics of lace.
Reinforcement – affects the load bearing capacity and stiffness of the boards. The board thickness depends on the type of tight mesh reinforcement used. 375 gr
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